Giovan Battista Moroni
(Albino - Albino, 1578)
Circle of

Portrait of a Gentleman

Oil on panel
96x75 cm. Framed

The painting bears a wax stamp on the back: "GALERIE SEDELMEYER PARIS".

This painting is an example of the accurate realism and absence of rhetorical artifice that characterised Lombard portrait painting in the late 16th Century, following the example of Giovan Battista Moroni. From that high model we find here, in addition to the lenticular analyticity of the pictorial rendering, the measured tone, the concentrated composition, the subtly melancholic character: qualities that, mutatis mutandis, descend from such superb Moronian achievements as the Portrait of Don Gabriel de la Cueva y Giron in the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin, the Portrait of Giovan Pietro Maffei in the Kunsthistoriscehs Museum, Vienna, and the Portrait of a Knight in the Isabella Gardner Stewart Museum, Budapest.

Gallerie Sedelmeyer, Parigi; Private collection, Naples.
€ 3.000,00 / 5.000,00
€ 1.500,00
Starting price
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Paintings, Drawings and Sculptures from 14th to 19th Century

Palazzo Caetani Lovatelli, thu 23 November 2023
SINGLE SESSION 23/11/2023 Hours 15:00