Russian icon of the Unexpected Joy, 19th century

Height x width x depth: 35.5 x 30 x 3 cm.

Russian icon with figuration of Unexpected Joy. This icon was first developed in the 18th century in Russia and is inspired by a story written by Dimitrij, the holy bishop of Rostov. It tells of a sinner who, despite his crimes, never failed to repeat several times a day the greeting of the angel Gabriel to Mary before the icon of the Mother of God. One day, while he was meditating on doing an evil action, he saw the wounds on the side and hands of the baby Jesus opening and bleeding. The man lingered and asked, ''Lord who did this to you?" and the Mother of God replied, ''You and other sinners continue to crucify with your sins my Son as the Jews did.'' The man remained in prayer for a long time and after kissing the bleeding wounds of Christ, he obtained forgiveness and the unexpected joy of repentance and salvation. Below the icon is the parchment where the beginning of Dimitrij Rostov's account is transcribed.

Item condition grading: **** good, a few colour fades and a few slight lacks.

€ 500,00 / 700,00
€ 200,00
Starting price
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Live auction 277

Corals, Ivories and Silver: masterpieces from important collections - Russian Icons

Palazzo Caetani Lovatelli, thu 30 November 2023
SINGLE SESSION 30/11/2023 Hours 15:00