CLUSIUS CAROLUS Exoticorum libri decem, quibus animalium, plantarum, aromatum, aliorumque peregrinorum fructuum historiae describuntur. Item Petri Bellonii Observationes, eodem Carolo Clusio interprete. 1605
In Folio
Two complete works by Clusius linked together.
FIRST EDITIONS of Clusius' pioneering zoological and botanical works. The first, in its most complete textual variant, presents Clusius' investigation into the rarities of predominantly non-European flora and fauna and includes his abridged Latin translations of writings by Garcia da Orta, Nicolás Monardes, Cristóvão da Costa and Pierre Belon. The Curae posteriors, which include additional entries to Clusius's Rariorum Plantarum, are found here in the folio edition and not in the quarto of the same year. «Over and over again, in an attempt to ascertain the correct application of the names given by Linneo, the researcher is led back to the work of L'Ecluse, which can be described as the starting point of our modern knowledge for many genres. Its description and associated illustrations therefore help to characterize the species by subsequent authors.