Severo Calzetta da Ravenna
(Ravenna, 1465 - Ravenna, 1543)
Workshop of

Acrobat, Padua, 16th-17th century

Bronze with natural red patina on black bituminous traces

This curious oil lamp is part of the production of Paduan bronzes between the 16th and 17th centuries. The first studies attributed it to the foundry of Andrea Briosco known as Riccio (Trento, 1470-Padua, 1532), but today it is traced back, like many other similar objects, to Severo da Ravenna or, more generally to his workshop.

In the wake of the rediscovery of the classical world which took place in the Renaissance era, commonly used objects, such as oil lamps, re-emerged, often characterized by a rather foul, philological taste. This kind of lamp is known in two variants, the other shows the man crouching with his back upwards.  These bronzes are commonly called the "acrobats" and are among the most curious and rare productions of Paduan foundries from 15th to the 17th century.

The lamp proposed here falls within that taste and maintains the workmanship and patina of an object truly coeval. It probably had a ring welded to the feet that allowed it to be suspended.

There are some similar models in various museums, among which we remember the Bargello, Florence, the Bode Museum, Berlin, the Correr, Venice.

Leo Planiscig, Andrea Riccio, Vienna, 1927, figs. 200-203.
Giovanni Mariacher, Bronzetti Veneti del Rinascimento, Neri Pozza ed., Vicenza, 1971, entry n.79.
€ 2.000,00 / 4.000,00
€ 1.000,00
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Sculpture and Small Bronzes from 15th to 19th Century

Palazzo Caetani Lovatelli, fri 28 June 2024
SINGLE SESSION 28/06/2024 Hours 16:00