Venus Anadyomene, Tuscany, XVI-XVII

Bronze, reddish transparent patina
29 x 13 x 10 cm

The subject of Venus Anadyomene widespread in the Renaissance era following the rediscovery of ancient sculptures and thanks to their diffusion through engravings (see Marcantonio Raimondi). 

This bronze's iconography has strong similarities with Giambologna's Fiorenza, formerly the cusp of the labyrinth fountain in the Villa Medici di Castello, now inside Villa della Petraia.

This bronze's creator took both from the ancient models and the from contemporary examples of Giambologna. The fine reddish transparent patina is typical of  Tuscan productions from Giambologna onwards.

€ 4.000,00 / 8.000,00
€ 2.000,00
Starting price
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Live auction 306

Sculpture and Small Bronzes from 15th to 19th Century

Palazzo Caetani Lovatelli, fri 28 June 2024
SINGLE SESSION 28/06/2024 Hours 16:00
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