Born in Valera in 1933, he studied architecture at the Universidad Central de Venezuela, graduating in 1958. In 1955 he was active as a poet and artist in the Sardio Group, a group of intellectuals and artists sympathetic to the subversive left. In 1958-1959 he taught drawing at the Faculty of Architecture of the same university and at the Escuela de Artes Plásticas Cristóbal Rojas. In 1962 he moved to Mérida and in 1971 he went to Paris, where he stayed for a year. He was Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at the Universidad de los Andes from 1972 to 1975. Director of the Museo de Bellas Artes de Caracas, 1976-1978.Eduardo Blanco Estrada pointed out: "The Venezuelan architect who most actively produced and exhibited his plastic works. His works, however, are not an extension of architectural design [...] but are strongly linked to his inclination towards literature and more specifically towards poetry. Oneiric references, figures that are sometimes deformed or caricatured, turning into physiognomies, traits of the personalities alluded to; blurred environments, semi-abstract backgrounds."
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