Biblia sacra vulgata editionis, Sixti V. pontificis max. jussu recognita, et Clementis VIII. Venice: ex typographia Remondiniana, 1757
Format in-8ยฐ, mm. 235x140, pp. XX, 738, (2). Complete. Contemporary full parchment binding, defect on the spine with part of the manuscript title missing. Ancient complete edition of the Holy Bible, printed in Venice in 1757 by the Remondiniana typography. Frontispiece with woodcut plate, frontispiece printed in red and black with a woodcut vignette. Latin text printed in two columns within a frame. Some woodcut capital letters and headpieces in the text. There is an index of the volume handwritten in old Indian ink on the front flyleaf. Light foxing, and some light stains of gora in the margins and in the text, very light yellow halo at the top of pages from 350 to about 520.