Calepino, Ambrogio : Dictionarium, ... Indicates Pauli Manutii. & Dictionary of all Italian voices used by best writers. Venetiis Beuilacquam, 1568

Ambrosii Calepini Dictionarium, in quo returning, atque exornando haec praestitimus: Primum, non solum illud curauimus quod ab omnibus iam solet, ut adderemus quamplurima; sed etiam quod nemo hactenus decisit, ut Multarum dictionum obscuram significationem aperiremus... Addimenta Pauli Manutii, ... Editio postrema. Venetiis: apud Nicolaum Beuilacquam, 1568. Bound with: Dictionary of all the Italian voices, used by the best ancient and modern writers, taken from the own writings of M. Giouanni Marinello, & added again to Calepino. In Venetia After Nicolo Bevilacqua 1568. Post binding. in full ancient parchment with gold titles on the spine. CC cuts. in red. Format in-8°, cm. 30x20, cc. 447 + 50. Foxings, stains and notes in old ink, with small losses of text. Famous dictionary of the Italian Latinist Ambrogio Calepio called Calepino (c. 1435-1511) with the additions by Paolo Manuzio, finally the "Dittionary of all Italian entries..." by Giovanni Marinelli. Works published in the same year in Venice by Niccolò Bevilacqua. Typographical device on the title pages.
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