[Divine Comedy] Alighieri, Dante: Comedy of Dante Alighieri divine poet: with the exposition of Christophoro Landino: newly printed... 1529
Missing the last 3 leaves (L6, L7, L8), reintegrated by hand. Title on the frontispiece in Gothic characters printed in red, inserted in the same frame as Virgil (Opera, 1522) but with the variant in the right column of the series of Italian poets in place of the Latin ones, at the bottom Florentine lily in red, on the verso a full-page portrait of Dante. On the verso of BB6 the same wood as the frontispiece with the insertion of the series of Latin poets in place of the Italian ones and the replacement of the Florentine lily with the motto ''SUSTINE ET ABSTINE'', 96 vignettes in the text. Light halo on the upper margin of the last leaves, with small loss of text.