Format in-8ยฐ, mm. 145x110, pp. (16), Contemporary hardback with handwritten titles on the spine. Ancient notes and drawings on the covers. Framed title page with woodcut printer's device. Handwritten notes in ancient ink on the flyleaves, missing front cover leaf. Slight stain on the lower edge of the leaves. Front hinge partially detached. Latin text, Roman italics.
Seventeenth century printed in Venice in 1625 for Petrum Milicum, a collection of the works of the ancient Roman historiographer Gaius Sallustius Crispus, commented by the humanist Aldus Manutius the Younger (1547-1597). Contains: De Catilinae coniuratione, Bellum Iugurthinum fragmenta and Fragments of the Historiarum. Finally, the index of memorable things.