[Optics] Boscovich, Ruggero G. : De lentibus et telescopiis dioptricis. In Rome De Rubeis 1755
De lentibus et telescopiis dioptricis dissertatio author P. Rogerio Josepho Boscovich. Ex Typographia Andreae De Rubeis, Rome 1755. Rare first edition of the studies on dioptric lenses and telescopes by the mathematician Ruggero Giuseppe Boscovich (1711-1787). Printed in Rome in 1755 by Andrea De Rossi publisher. Header and initials on f. A2. With woodcut on the front. Demonstrative formulas in the text and at the end 1 folded plate depicting geometric figures. Post-mute binding in full parchment. In-4ยฐ, pp. 58, 1 c. of folded plates.