C.O.N.I. Roma Foro Italico, Nazionale Basket, 1985
Rigid folder in light blue imitation leather, the official CONI colour, with a presentation brochure of the Italian national basketball team (coach Bianchini, players Lorenzon, Minto, Morandotti, Ricci, Sbaragli, Carera, etc etc) and the Chinese national team, documents relating to the 1985 National Basketball Team for the Tour in the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong, with 6 hand-written statistical tables in blue ink for the players participating in the matches Italy-Hong Kong, Italy-Shanghai, Italy-China, etc headed ASSOCIAZIONE GIORNALISTI ITALIANI BASKET, and other typewritten and hand-written sheets for the journalistic articles to be published in the Corriere, Tempo and GR2. Lot from a CONI accredited journalist. In good condition, folder measures approximately 23x33 cm