Height x width: 42 x 34 cm. Weight: approx. 435 g.
repoussé and chased silver, depicting the Madonna and Child in the centre, with a faces in turtle (hawksbill sea turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata, Cheloniidae), surrounded by an elaborate background of rays of light and clouds. The Virgin, crowned, is shown frontally, standing, with the Child Jesus, also crowned, in her arms. Both are dressed in richly decorated clothing. The background consists of a motif of rays radiating outwards, highlighting. Around them are sculpted clouds with angelic figures or cherubs, typical of celestial representations. On the sides, two figures, probably putti or angels, are positioned on clouds. One holds a monstrance, symbol of the Eucharist, while the other holds a star or similar object.
The entire panel is surrounded by a frame with engraved floral motifs, adding further richness to the work.
On the lower edge, in a central position, the engraved inscription ‘SISINO 1837’, to indicate the maker in the Neapolitan silversmith Gabriele sisino, patented master in 1830.