Govanni Bernardi
(Castelbolognese, 1496 - Faenza, 1553)

Battle of Pavia

Oval bronze plaque, brown patina; mm 64.0 x 54.2; gr 54.5.
A large group of armed horsemen advances from the left, exiting the gates of a city and attacking another group of infantry and horsemen with banners and lances. In the lower left foreground, a river deity (Ticino) with a sceptre, leaning on an amphora from which water flows. On the right, above a shield, the initials IO. BF Beautiful ancient re-edition of a prototype.
Ref. Rossi F. coll. Scaglia 2011, pp. 337, prototype type variant 1; Toderi, Vannel 1996, pp. 51 n. 83
24/02/2025 06:28:51
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€ 400,00 / 800,00
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Live auction 329

Placquettes, Medals, Sculptures and Ceramics from the 14th to the 19th century

Palazzo Caetani Lovatelli, wed 5 March 2025
SINGLE SESSION 05/03/2025 Hours 15:00