Old Masters Prints

Old Masters Prints

Headed by Natalia Bukowska, the department handles prints and artists' multiples executed with ancient and modern printing techniques: xylography, etching, drypoint, burin, lithography, serigraphy, blotted-line, offset, giclée, etc., tracing the history of printing and multiplied art from the 16th century to the early 20th century.
Its staff studies, catalogues, evaluates and sells prints on the Italian and foreign markets, both for auctions and in the form of private negotiations, the latter for pieces of particularly high economic, artistic, and historical value. The department also offers specialised appraisal services.

A selection of art prints in various price ranges that can be purchased by private sale is also available.

After graduating in Art History from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Natalia Bukowska completed her studies at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London in Engravings and Printmaking in the Modern Age. Afterwards, she decided to pursue a career in the auction house sector as a specialist in the antique print market.
Natalia Bukowska

Natalia Bukowska

Head of Department
Romina Perera del Re

Romina Perera del Re

Scientific consultant